zaterdag 18 februari 2023

Re: Uitnodiging Wannes ledenavond 30 april 2023

Beste Liliane.
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Laat maar weten of dit lukt !


Peter Boodts

Op 13 feb. 2023, om 14:28 heeft liliane goossens <> het volgende geschreven:

Ik wil betalen maar geraak niet aan gegevens

Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone

vrijdag 7 januari 2011

Scholar's Library

A pure and elegant Platonic cube here matches the unity of the building's purpose and form, in both programmatic and metaphorical terms. The first floor is completely closed and contains stacks for a library of books. The second floor, which is entirely open, is a scholar's working study. The study sits on the books below much like scholarship rests on the body of work that precedes it. The structure expresses this dual character, with the floating roof cantilevered off the second floor to highlight the distinction between the solid and the void. The windows (standard-issue sliding doors) open on all four sides, stacking in opposite corners, to create the feeling of an aerie in the woods. The changing seasons provide the context, with the study "walls" green in the summer, orange in the fall, and white in the winter. An economy of means in cost, materials, and structure result in simplicity and directness with no elaboration. The study is a serene and solitary haven for quiet work that is at the same time immersed in the natural world around it.

Peter Gluck and Partners Architects
ARCS Construction Services

woensdag 30 juni 2010

Jonathan Ive over het design van de iPhone had de eer om met Jonathan Ive te praten over het design van de iPhone 4 en het werk van een designer in het algemeen. In het interview lezen we dat Ive er alles aan gedaan heeft de antennes naadloos in elkaar over te laten gaan. We leren dat de juiste balans van materiaal, bewerking en vorm van essentieel belang zijn voor de beleving van een product. En we komen erachter dat een echte designer niet in de schoolbanken ontstaat.

lees meer


zondag 20 juni 2010

New iPhone ! version 4

Check it out at


And also the iPhone's new operating system !

Check all the new features at Gizmodo


maandag 3 mei 2010

Thoughts on flash

Apple has a long relationship with Adobe. In fact, we met Adobe’s founders when they were in their proverbial garage. Apple was their first big customer, adopting their Postscript language for our new Laserwriter printer. Apple invested in Adobe and owned around 20% of the company for many years. The two companies worked closely together to pioneer desktop publishing and there were many good times. Since that golden era, the companies have grown apart. Apple went through its near death experience, and Adobe was drawn to the corporate market with their Acrobat products. Today the two companies still work together to serve their joint creative customers – Mac users buy around half of Adobe’s Creative Suite products – but beyond that there are few joint interests.